
Alana Clason, PhD

Alana Clason is an forest ecologist and research associate with the Bulkley Valley Research Centre (BVRC). She completed her PhD at UNBC in 2017, on the current and future northern range limit of whitebark pine under a changing climate. Her MSc at the University of Alberta was focused on whitebark pine ecology and resilience at the NW edge of its range. In her work through the BVRC, Alana collaborates with universities, government, industry, and non-profit partners in a variety of applied research across western Canada. Current projects focus on ongoing research and restoration of endangered whitebark pine ecosystems, post-fire forest recovery of carbon, fuels, and wildlife habitat, analyses of the 2017 and 2018 wildfires, as well as modeling forest and carbon response to partial harvesting using a spatially-explicit stand dynamics model. She continues to blend empirical data collection with ecological modeling to understand and support the management of BC forests. She is an active board member of the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation-Canada and the BVRC.

Ingrid Farnell, MSc

Ingrid is a budding ecologist, currently working as a research technician in post-wildfire forest ecosystem projects with the BVRC. Ingrid received her Master of Science degree from the University of Northern British Columbia in 2021. Her studies explored the dynamics of downed dead wood after harvest activities and the concomitant impact on the American Marten, as well as using remote sensing to predict dead wood and its effects upon habitat quality over the landscape. Her research site was located within the towering trees of the Date Creek Research Forest in the Kispiox Valley, where she fell in love with forest ecology.

Ingrid found a home in Smithers in 2015 after tree planting brought her to the Bulkley Valley. Since her initial visit she has never left, enjoying the endless adventure of playing in the mountains.

Jocelyn Biro, BSc

Jocelyn is an PhD student in Biology at Wilfrid Laurier University. She began her career in ecology after completing her BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences at the University of Alberta. Following her undergraduate degree, Jocelyn has been fortunate to work on several contracts, including boreal songbird monitoring in Saskatchewan and plant biodiversity surveys in northern Alberta. Jocelyn came to Smithers in 2019 as an Ecosystems Technician on a joint FLNRO and BCCF project investigating moose forage response to disturbances (wildfires and forest harvesting) in central BC. In September 2021, she transitioned this project into her MSc at WLU in collaboration with the BVRC, and recently transferred into the PhD program.

Although Jocelyn has been splitting her time between Ontario, BC, and her home province of Alberta, she cherishes her time in Smithers along with the outdoor adventures the area offers.


Erica Lilles, MSC, P.Ag

Erica Lilles is a Natural Resource Management Researcher for the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations based in Smithers. Her projects include silviculture, soil, ecology, and climate change research in the Skeena Stikine Region and she is responsible for the region’s long-term research installations. Erica completed her MSc in Land Reclamation at the University of Alberta with a focus on soil-plant integration and native plant restoration.

Erin Hall, BSc, RPF

Erin Hall is a Stand Development Research Scientist in BC’s Office of the Chief Forester with an interest in ecosystem dynamics, mixedwoods and alternative silviculture systems. Erin is based in Smithers and has worked in northwest BC since 2000. She has experience as a Forest Consultant, Stewardship Forester and Assistant Research Ecologist and Silviculturist with projects including ecosystem recovery and complex stand dynamics. Erin is a forest ecologist and Forester currently studying caribou and moose winter range stand dynamics as part of her MSc in Natural Resource Management at UNBC. This project builds upon experience in forest ecology, silviculture and stand modelling with SORTIE-ND to address wildlife habitat management questions.

Dave Coates

Research Silviculturist (retired), British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Smithers

Charles Canham

Forest Ecologist (retired), Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook NY

Lora Murphy

Research Support Professional, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY

Rasmus Astrup

Norsk institutt for skog og landskap, Norway

and Adjunct Researcher, Bulkley Valley Research Centre, Smithers

Paula Bartemucci

Gentian Botanical Research, Smithers, BC

Marilou Beaudet

Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Québec

Trevor Blenner-Hassett

Forestec Forestry Consulting and Ph.D student University of British Columbia

Phil Burton

Manager, Northern Projects, CFS, Prince George

Mark Ducey

Professor, University of New Hampshire

David Greene

Professor, Concordia University

Rich Kobe

Associate Professor, Michigan State University

Bruce Larson

Professor, University of British Columbia

Marie-Lou Lefrançois 

Adjunct Researcher, Bulkley Valley Research Centre, Smithers

Phil LePage

Research Silviculturist, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Smithers

Christian Messier

Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal

Craig Nitschke

School of Forest and Ecosystem Science, University of Melbourne and University of British Columbia

Mike Papaik

Research Ecologist, USFS Pacific Southwest Region, Sierra Nevada Research Center, Davis, California

Hans Pretzsch

Professor, Chair for Forest Yield Science, Technische Universität München

Klaus Puettmann

Professor, Oregon State University

Don Sachs

Forest Research Consultant, Nelson, BC

Derek Sattler

Ph.D student, University of Alberta

Suzanne Simard

Professor, University of British Columbia

Ken Stadt

Research Assistant Professor, University of Alberta

Hilary Thorpe

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia

and Adjunct Researcher, Bulkley Valley Research Centre, Smithers

Elaine Wright

Technical Manager, Ecosystems, Department of Conservation, Christchurch, New Zealand

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