Upcoming Workshops
Are you interested in hands-on learning with SORTIE or rSortie? Let us know – fill in this form!
Past Workshops
What: SORTIE workshop
Description: The BVRC is offering an opportunity to learn SORTIE – a spatially-explicit, individual-based stand dynamics model (http://www.sortie-nd.org/). We will walk participants through how to run SORTIE using the traditional GUI and within a newly developed interface in R software (rsortie). During the workshop, we will guide participants through real-world examples using the rsortie interface, and video tutorials will be freely available online for participants to view prior to the workshop. These videos will provide the necessary background on getting started in SORTIE. Participants will leave the workshop with an understanding of how to implement example silvicultural prescriptions in SORTIE in either the GUI or rsortie.
Format: Online with additional video tutorials available to watch before hand
When: 8:30 am – 12:00pm, February 22 and 23, 2022
Instructors: Alana Clason, PhD; Erica Lilles, MSc, P.Ag; Leah Walker, MSc; Erin Hall, BSc, RPF
Cost: $300 (discounts for students available, please contact sortie@bvcentre.ca)
Registration: To register, please fill out the form at: https://forms.gle/pnHwyYv96Qpi8M9p6. Once you have filled out the form, we will send you a confirmation of registration and the instructions for payment. We are capping this workshop at 16 people, once we reach that number a waitlist will be created. Upon confirmation, we will send you the necessary course materials.
Itinerary: DRAFT