Evelyn Hamilton
Evelyn Hamilton worked in the Research Branch of the BC Forest Service for much of her career. She started as a Field ecologist working on fire ecology and ecosystem classification. Before retiring in 2010, Evelyn managed the Ecology and Earth Sciences Section, a team of research scientists and technicians in fields including plant ecology, soils, hydrology, wildlife, range, silviculture, fisheries, non-timber forest products, climate and carbon. She was involved with many initiatives including ecosystem classification and process research, and old growth and biodiversity conservation. She also led the Ministry’s climate change adaptation program for several years.
Evelyn was an adjunct faculty member at Royal Roads University and recently established a small consulting firm. Her recent work has been on non-timber forest products, response of ecosystems to fire, and adaptation to climate change. Evelyn received her BSc in Biology from UBC and her MSc in Plant Ecology from the University of Alberta.