News & Events

What's new at the BVRC? Seminars, workshops, and more.

Stay updated with the centre’s seminar series, events, and workshops!

From September through May, the BVRC hosts public seminars every second Wednesday over the lunch hour. This is a chance to connect and hear from regional and international scientists and practitioners about the latest developments in natural and cultural resources research and management.

Where: The Old Church, 3704 1st Avenue, Smithers, BC

Seminars can also be joined virtually by Zoom (Non-members can email for the link)

When: Every second Wednesday (September to May), 12:00-1:00pm

Seminar Archive: visit the BVRC YouTube Channel » to view past seminars.

We send out notifications to our membership about upcoming seminars. If you would like to be added to this email list, or if you are interested in making a presentation, please call us at 250.847.2827 or email