Bulkley Morice Wildfire Resilience Project


Even though fire is a natural and necessary process on the landscape, the impacts of today’s often catastrophic wildfires on communities and ecosystems are significant and projected to increase in the coming years.

This escalating situation requires additional resources, efforts, and expertise to both mitigate and adapt to the negative impacts of wildfire on community safety, watershed security, and ecosystem health.

Pilot Timeline

The project was initiated in 2024 and will be a multi-year pilot, involving multiple touchpoints with resource managers and communities in  the Bulkley and Morice area.


A central tenet of the project will be to engage decision makers, communities and resource knowledge holders  throughout the project and in model design.


Forest, fuel and fire management practices are revised to improve ecosystem health and wildfire resilience, leading to less harmful and more ecologically beneficial fire.

What is the Wildfire Resilience Pilot?

The Bulkley Morice Wildfire Resilience Project is an independent research project focused on collating existing knowledge of wildfire ecology, forest and fuel management practices. The goal is to assess and explore how practices could be revised to improve wildfire resilience within the Bulkley and Morice planning area.

The project is administered by the BV Research Centre and funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

It will provide knowledge, analysis and modeling tools that may be used by different planning processes in the area.

How will the project make a difference?

The project will improve knowledge of wildfire resilience and provide a landscape modeling toolkit that will integrate with emerging initiatives including Indigenous fire stewardship and plans, tactical wildfire plans, and the new Forest Landscape Plan.

The project is designed so that decision-makers and resource managers can develop specific management scenarios that explore how wildfire mitigation changes the nature of wildfire and that planning processes such as the Forest Landscape Plan can then integrate with other planning objectives such as conservation, carbon, wildlife, and timber.

Latest News

Upcoming Public Open Houses

The Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning process is hosting several upcoming open houses around the development of the Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Plan. The FLP is being co-developed with First Nations, with input from communities, subject-matter experts and forest licensees. Three in-person open-house engagement…

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Knowledge Workshop: Nov 20, 2024

This event was an important first step in our project that brought together government, industry leaders, experts, community professionals and First Nations to review the current state of knowledge and share perspectives to enhance our understanding of local wildfire…

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Moore Foundation Field Trip: Oct 2024

The project team and partners had a great visit with a member of the Moore Foundation October 17-21 including field visits in the Wetzinkwa Community Forest to look at risk reduction treatments and to familiarize with the forest landscape…

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Funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation,
Wildfire Resilience Initiative: