Working Across Difference in Natural Resource Management

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: Via Zoom

About this presentation

People working in resource management face many complex and difficult problems, including reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and different levels of Canadian governments; mitigation and adaptation to climate change; recovery of endangered species; and achievement of a sustainable balance between environmental, cultural, and economic values. While advancements in scientific and technical information will be necessary to address these problems, such information will not be sufficient. Differences in human values and concerns are at the centre of all these problems. However, resource management professionals are trained primarily in the technical aspects of their disciplines, not in how to navigate the complex terrain of human values, perspectives, preferences, and responses to conflict. In this talk, Christine will describe some concepts related to conflict, discuss shortcomings associated with common approaches to conflict, and offer a framework that could assist in some contexts for increasing mutual understanding with a view to moving from an adversarial to a more creative, problem-solving approach.

About Christine Fletcher (RPF, MRM, MACAM)

Christine worked for over 28 years with the British Columbia Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch on various aspects of timber supply reviews. She has degrees in forestry, natural resource management, and conflict analysis and management. Currently, her primary interest is how people can build awareness and skills to work respectfully across our often fundamental differences. She is a Registered Professional Forester in BC and retired from government in early 2020.

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