Skeena Knowledge Trust Update

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: Via Zoom

About this seminar

The Skeena Knowledge Trust (SKT) was formed in 2017 and is governed by five trustees with the operations managed by Eclipse Geomatics Ltd. The SKT’s main function is to promote knowledge management throughout the Skeena watershed as it relates to salmon ecosystems.  To carry out our mandate we have developed two knowledge management tools—the Skeena Salmon Data Centre and the Skeena Maps Portal. The SKT works in collaboration with First Nations organizations across the Skeena, NGOs, and provincial and federal governments to promote open data and information sharing as it relates to salmon ecosystems across the Skeena watershed.

This seminar will be co-presented by Johanna Pfalz, Ekaterina Daviel and Lizzy Hoffman. They will provide an update on the SKT’s activities over the past year, as well as highlight how organizations and the general public can utilize the knowledge tools developed by the Skeena Knowledge Trust.

ACCESS: BVRC members will receive a Zoom invite. Non-members can email for the link.