Ecology of Native Bees

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: Via Zoom

About this presentation

There are over 500 species of bees within British Columbia, each with specific life history traits and floral relationships. Understanding the basic ecology of native bees will help us to better provide the key resources and habitat components that they require to persist. In this presentation, Tyler will explore where and how bees live, how they differ from similar insects, and what roles they play within our ecosystems.

About Tyler Kelly

Tyler Kelly is the manager of a research group with Dr. Claire Kremen at the University of British Columbia that focuses on agroecological issues such as pollination, animal movement, and landscape dynamics. In 2019, he completed a master’s degree at SFU studying the complex relationships between plants and pollinators to better understand how those communities change and how bees alter their diets across the landscape. In the past, Tyler has worked on various taxa from insects, to deer, to Canadian lynx.

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