From Tiny Bubbles to Resilient Systems: A Wildlife Ecologist’s Backyard Quest for Connection

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: Via Zoom

About this presentation

Resilience—coarsely defined as the capacity to cope with and adapt to major life stressors and change—is key for people, human societies, and ecosystems to persist and thrive. A silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic might be emerging in social changes—social distancing, staycations, working from home—that are connecting people with ecosystems at home and nearby. People all over the Bulkley Valley are coping with and adapting to change in ways that are potentially beneficial for our communities and the life-supporting ecosystems that we’re connected to. More people are getting into or spending more time doing activities that directly connect them with ecosystems and food systems, such as engaging in nature-focused activities, gardening and composting, supporting local food producers, and walking, hiking, paddling, and bicycling. Some locals, independently and in groups, are also being creative and innovative in their efforts to motivate community-based solutions for issues related to climate, ecosystems, and food security, all of which are interconnected.

In this presentation, Debbie will share a few lessons she’s learned about resilience, personally and professionally, and use the concept of resilience in social-ecological systems to open a conversation about how people in the Bulkley Valley are coping with and adapting to change. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions about preventing conflicts with wildlife at home, and share their socially-ecologically connected ideas and actions that support health, well-being, and resilience in the Bulkley Valley.

About Debbie Wellwood

Debbie Wellwood is a Smithereen, naturalist, wildlife ecologist, and bear specialist. Over two and a half decades, she gained a diverse range of experience, knowledge, and expertise in wildlife research, conservation and management, and management of bear-human interactions, working in B.C., the Yukon and Alaska. In 2015, she set out with her partner for a 2-year bicycle adventure from home to the southern tip of South America that turned into a 3.5-year, 45,000+ km journey. Along the way, Debbie endeavoured to learn about how humans are affecting planetary systems, focusing on climate change, loss of biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, and problem solving for ecosystem stewardship and sustainable development. Currently, she’s continuing to expand her viewpoint, evolve her areas of expertise, and write about her travels. Through each of these, she endeavours to embrace change, become more resilient, and do her small part in a global movement to respond to a global emergency.

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