The Hottest Year On Record, Again

About this Presentation
2024 was globally the hottest year on record. If this sounds familiar that is because the previous hottest year on record was 2023, and the top ten hottest years on record have all occurred in the past 10 years. This talk will focus on the climate conditions of the past decade both globally and in northern B.C., as well as look at some recent extreme events, such as unusual drought conditions. The role of natural climate variability on these trends will also be presented as well as some thoughts on how to make sense of future projections. Vanessa will also go over some tools and tips for accessing and working with weather and climate data.
About Vanessa

Vanessa Foord, P.Ag., is a Research Climatologist for the North Area of BC Ministry of Forests. She has been studying climate trends and climate change impacts in northern BC since 2002, primarily in the areas of forest change (drought, pests) and natural disturbances (landslides, permafrost thaw, hydrologic change) with a particular interest in understanding extreme events. She has a Master of Science in Earth Science from Simon Fraser University and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Northern BC. She is a member of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, and the Canadian Institute of Forestry. She lives in Prince George with her husband, two kids, and a dog.